Accuracy is vitally important.
It's time consuming to find and verifying monuments that are:
NAD83 (2011)
Physically intact
Appropriate Accuracy
In our Monument Blog below, you will find a growing list of high quality monuments with helpful information to use for your own verification.​
ArcGIS Field Maps
No more awkward fussing with the NGS datasheet!!
Mobile Device Users: Click to Open the Monuments ArcGIS Field Map!
A few More Helpful Tools for Verifying Accuracy
Monuments Geodatabase: New Jersey (NJSP EPSG ID 6527)
Pennsylvania (PASP South EPSG ID 6565)
Use this tool to compare your observed XY to the true values of the monument.
NOAA Computation of GEOID12B Geoid Height
Use this tool to compare your observed ellipsoid height to the true height of the monument.